The man who lives by the credit card

is likened to the fisherman

who sells his net on Friday night for a Party.

Then stands before a sea of fish on Monday,

with nothing to catch them with.











The importance of thinking
and then making a calculated decision.

The road in life is splattered
with flat squirrels
that couldn't
or wouldn't
make a decision.

What's your problem?
Go Figure.









that stimulates
good health and a sound mind.
And beside that if your gratitude is centered on the Benevolent Creator of all things you have eternal life in His Kingdom.

ENTITLEMENT is animosity or strong hostility toward Authority leading to bitterness poor health and a negative mindset.
This will separate you from your Creator.

If you can't be thankful for what your mother has worked hard to put on the table.
why must she give you dessert
or a different food.

Parents when you yield to the complaints of your child,
you are saying I know better than God,
or you are just being lazy shirking your duties of being the parent.









When are preservatives good for you.

Two young people
searching for a place to be alone
away from the maddening crowd .
In other words, mom and dad.
So out on a date in the car,
away from the house
and Mom and Dad.
Because they said we can't be in the house by our self.
We will only go out for donuts' they would say.
So they go out in the car with a big box of donuts.
But in the Box was one donut hole .
And they were told
you cannot eat or touch that donut hole
but it was the one they both wanted
extremely with great desire
to Taste and to enjoy.
How do you overcome this temptation?
Get out of the car and eat your Donuts
in the restaurant.









To clarify the law.

Is it a curse or is it a blessing?
To start let's look at the USA.
We have a constitution and also the law of the land of liberty and Freedom with responsibility.

Now if someone from outside of the country should climb over the wall without permission,
but obeys all the laws of the land perfectly is he now a lawful citizen of the United States?
To be a lawful citizen you must be born in the USA,
or be adopted and vetted by or chosen by the government who wants all to come through the proper channels.

Now that you are a citizen,
are the laws of the land a blessing or a curse?
If as a citizen you break the law,
are you cast out of the country?
No, you are corrected and you are still a citizen,
but no matter how good you are,
if you come in illegally,
you are not a citizen and you will be deported.








Proper Migration.

Heaven was built for all who would come.
But heaven was built
with walls,
and only one door.
And above all '
a very stringent migration policy.

This door is the only door.
No one can come in
except they are vetted by the (doorkeeper), boarder control.

Jesus said
"I Am the way the truth and the life"
No one comes to the Father
except through Me.

Anyone who tries to come in by climbing over the wall is a thief and a robber and shall be cast out.

How far do you think you will get
with God by demanding grace while cursing His name?








A House Divided will fall.

When we look at the Dems,
we see an extreme diverse people
with only one thing in common,
each one of them are
looking for one thing
and yet unified in one thing,
their hatred for the Republican leader. Trump.

It's a good thing that Jesus said I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it.
It will not destroy my church of safety.
He is like the United States Marine Corps.
He will accept all who will come,
but at the same time he is only looking, for a Few Good Men.

When we look at the Republicans,
those who with their mouth,
profess to be right and upstanding.
These same self-righteous Hypocrites
are like a bucket of crabs,
scrambling and climbing on each other,
and those who start to get to the top,
are immediately pulled down by those who are below.

If you think this is bad,
let's look at the self righteous leaders
of the Evangelical Church.
These are those who are
called to lead the lost to salvation,
but instead these damn double self-righteous leaders are too busy
ripping and judging their fellow teachers.

They are destroying the Fortress walls
of safety that they have been called to build.








A church isn't comprised of a building,
but of the people in that building.
Let us never forget that.
Some people get all emotional
and attached to a particular location,
but the church consists of
a body of believers
and in most cases non believers.
Did you know that the book of Revelation is the most avoided and least taught book of the Bible,
even in Protestant churches?
Wonder why that is?
How sad that is really because more than ever, the book of Revelation is more relevant to us now than ever before.








Oh really!
Christians complain that
the USA is going to hell
in a handbasket.
My question is to them,
Who is carrying the baskets?
We the church are
THE responsible ONES.
BECAUSE we are not praying.

I looked for a man to stand in the gap,
(Ezek 22;30)

So God ----
Sent His Son.









The father has been placed
in a position
that in most cases
he has no experience,
because of his immaturity.
This is called leadership,
and so often
this moves into
dictatorship and Controal.

True leadership is
The Humbling position of servitude,
like Jesus washing dirty feet.

Husbands love your wife
as Christ loved the church,
and laid down his life for Her.

This does not mean
that the woman should
get any and everything
that she thinks is right,
and Rule and control the man.

We as the bride of Christ
are not here to control Jesus
and make him do
what we want Him to do.
After all
He is our provider for salvation.









What is so monotonously long,
and yet after it is all past'
it seems to have traveled so fast.
The answer,
everyday living

between two opposing opposites,
is the oil or light
that exposes the imperfections
of our lives,
then helps to heal
causing the two
to BECOME one loving unit.









just given you $1000000 Free of charge.
This money is at this moment in your bank account.
The question is, are you a millionaire? The answer is yes, BUT!
This money is useless to you if you don't make a withdrawal.
Is it necessary to call on Grandpa and ask him for money every time you need to write a check?
Or would it be better to Daily Show your gratitude for this awesome loving Father, who takes pleasure in giving you His kingdom.
Because he gave you all things, so that you would spread His Name of Love to the whole world.








I'll be happy when?

In all your plans for the future
take time to pause to be thankful
for the moment!

The reason our spiritual lives are so dull or insipid is because we worship a God of the future.

When I die I am going to go to Heaven or in the sweet by and by everything is going to be fine.

As the saying goes,
Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

God is a God of the now.
I am that I am.

So the question,:
do you worship a god of the future
or The God of the now?








Sometimes while being a thousand miles away from home you are closer to home than when you are having dinner with the family. So let's be thankful for the little time that we have. Who knows what tomorrow may bring.








The power and mistique of a woman.

Is that which draws a man to her side, as a partner as an equal as the necessity in life.

Man was made to be
the bulldozer,
the truck,
the tractor,
the protecting cargo box for a precious crystal treasure.

The crystal vase was to be
the music,
the center of all that is precious in the man's life
everything he would work for,
strive to conquer.

Her soft and calm continents is what his delight is to come home to.

Her art in preparing and setting the table is as sensual to him as the smell and the beauty of her appearance.









When the path of life becomes
hard and clouded
and your moccasins
are wearing thin.

Go forth oh brave one,
but one step at a time.

The right steps
are always before you
and the hard ones
will become reachable
with fewer mistakes
when tempered in time.








How time flies

Time or life is like a roll of toilet paper,
we all get only one roll.

For a child every minute is like an eternity,
it seems their hopes and dreams are so far out of sight time stands still.

And now as an old man looking back it seems like sitting down to a big job and then seeing an empty roll.

Where did it all go?

Maybe I should have been more conservative.







People may say
if nothing is horrific
life is terrific!

The only men of character
are those
who have learned
to make friends with pain and suffering,

Pain is one of your
most Faithful Friends.

The most wealthy productive people, are those who have learned to respect discomfort or pain along with failure!

Because pain and discomfort,
are a result of a disciplined life!
Eternal wealth and

On the other hand
pleasure and comfort will lead to poverty and ultimate destruction.







Critical Thinking 101.
Church and political meetings,
Are the place you will find dishonest sinners.
The one is ashamed of his dirty self
and hopes you will not see it.
The other is proud of his dirty self,
with intent to spring it on you later.
One of them has hope,
guess who?
So learn to sin with integrity.
Be who you are,
with an honest heart
to listen and learn.
Don't jump because some well dressed fool says
he has the answers to life.
He is probably trying to gain control over you.
This is critical thinking 1O1.







I had a minute
with 60 seconds in it.

I didn't seek it,
I didn't choose it.
I have the now, that I might use it.

I found in life,
and all the amusements,
so often then that I refused it.

Now time is past
and I look back to see,
the waist in all its lack,
the precious time in
how I abused it.

I pray for grace,
in this right now,
that I may choose it.

Hebrews 3:12 -15







A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
A body at rest
tends to rest in peace.

The good book says
let us labor to enter into His rest.

While living on this Earth You Will
at all times be in conflict.

If you give up you will fail!

But in trust and Thanksgiving
for all of this struggle,
you will be laboring
to enter into His rest.

He is faithful to give you peace in the middle of this day of turmoil,
with rest for today
and eternal rest as
we continue persevering in faith to the end.







Very often we are asked how do you FEEL?

or at other times we dwell on our emotions good or bad.

We may meditate on our fears of things to come, in most cases they never manifest.

These thoughts or feelings, or emotions are all superficial,

To answer this problem we must take control of all of these thoughts emotions and fears by casting them down and think of what is substantially real with an attitude of thankfulness, whatever is good, whatever is honest, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely.
Think on these things.

II Corinthians 10:4 and 5
Philipians 4:8







The American dream.

Fellow Americans.
Don't give up on your dreams!

Just go back to sleep, as you were, or watch football or baseball.

And forget about your responsibilities of voting, and being a true American.








The young man goes to the gym with great joy to struggle against the heavy weights
and comes out exhausted
and filled with joy for the exercise.

James 1: 1 .

Take joy in the tribulations, because they will bring about patience .


You have some great opportunities
disguised by great problems.
you will come through Victorious,
as you continue to get up
every time you are knocked down,
do not quit.

Follow his example.

He learned obedience and victory through the things that He suffered.

The good man will fall seven times but he will get up, he will be victorious.







Man is the perfect definition of an

At one moment he would boast that he is created in the image of God.
In the same breath he would say,
there is no God.
And then he would say
I am, God.

His next breath would be to say
he was Evolved,
over a period of millions of years,
his ancestors are the monkeys.


Man was created perfect,
totally uncomplicated and understandable to his Creator,
with a free will.

It is man that created the Enigma,
then lifted his finger to God,
and said,
what have you done?
Where is my welfare check?
and why is it not bigger?







What is time?

Time is the present,
it is the place we live in; ,
in this vast expanse
of the

PAST and the FUTURE.







There is nothing greater,
than the love of God,
for His Creation.

After making man,
He commanded him
to demonstrate God's sovereignty,
and care for His Creation.

But how could He show His love,
to the helpless child?

So he created a mother!
And said to her,
"You are my gift to all mankind,
to manifest
My Grace,
My Love
My Mercy."
to the weak and needy."

Take courage!
Don't become weary in well-doing.

Happy Mother's Day.







The sailor has always been accused of having a girl in every port.

I suppose I am no different, I was always told to be like Jesus, just love them all.
After a lifetime of sailing the seven seas, I found I could not pick only one.
I was able to settle on or restrict myself to four beautiful ladies,
To be the love of my life. In them I found complete satisfaction.

The first one is so sweet and tender when I see myself as wretched and evil as I truly am.

The second one has taught me true commitment to stand strong in the face of adversity.

The third one gives me vision to go on to reach for the moon.

The fourth one truly fills my life as I move through this world of need.

The names of these four loves of my life are as follows,
Grace, Faith, Hope and Charity.
These are the loves of my life.







You can take a pig out of the pen,

but you cannot take the pen out of the pig.

You may put lipstick on a pig,
but he is still a pig.

Change must start in the heart,
But the heart is deceitful.
Who can know it?

Real change for help must come from outside of one's self.

The only thing
that can come from inside is the understanding of







Unto each man is given the measure of faith.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

We were all given free will.
Yes we had instructors,
but it is still your responsibility
to sort it all out,
and look up for answers.

Why up??

Because you started on the bottom.
You started with absolutely no knowledge only a god-given intuition to look up.

So now you need a fool to teach you that there is no God.







Material now versus ultimate goal.
i.e.bus stop.

When we are faced with an eternal future!

Why are we so preoccupied with the temporal excitement of now?

To gather goods and expensive things of pleasure and comfort,
while standing at a bus stop, only to leave it all behind when the bus comes.

Where is the wisdom in that?

Should you be comfortable and have pleasure in this life?
Yes as much as you can.

But remember it is all only passing,
you must hold to all of these things loosely.

Don't let these things master you and miss your ultimate goal.






Fellow Americans

It is said that we are today,
a greatly divided country.

We are either left or right.

We are not divided ,
we are just,
too different arms of the same body,
one body of Americans.

As a person on the Right, I have a great propensity to become a self-righteous bastard.

Bastard means illegitimate,
and I consider myself
to be absolutely right.
I am in fact not right,
i'm illegitimate in my position,
because I refuse to give someone else the respect to listen to him.
I am only trying to push my own opinion or morality on the other person.

As a person on the left
I will become self-centered,
looking to get something for nothing.
I will vote for my best interest,
not for the good of the country.

As previously said we are one body of Americans.

We are striving for liberty for all to live with freedom along with responsibility.

For this to happen we on the right hand need the opposition of the left hand to come together to lift this heavy load of Liberty up for the whole world to see.

This will take left and right with opposing opinion, but at all times with respect for the opposing side
and the opposing opinion.

We are not divided we need both sides to do the work ahead of us.







Communism or Progressive-ism

These two will propose to
dictate a plan of peace.
The people will sell their soul for peace, which is no peace.
It is cessation of aggression
at the cost of freedom.

A great man once said if I have to choose between righteousness and peace,
I will choose righteousness.
This is doing what is right,
and fight for liberty.







When a farmer goes out in the spring to plant a new crop.
Is it possible that he would have some bad seed in with his good seed?

So did he with intent purposely plant Bad Seed with his crop of good seeds?

No he did it ignorantly.

Because when he went to the store to buy his seed, he got some bad seed with the good seed.

So when you go to Seminary school to get seed in order to preach you must be very careful to see that you are getting good seed only,
that would be the word of God the pure word of God.

Jesus said, "You preach the traditions of man and make the word of God ineffective.







There was a young man
Who was beyond his ability to pay his way out of poverty.

So daily he would labor behind his old horse and plow to eke out a living.

In time his loving adopting father with extreme expense and pain to himself delivered his adopted son out of debt paid in full.

To top it all off he gave him a new air condition tractor to plow the biggest fields.

The young man with great exuberance thanked his father.

But in his willful ignorance, he would polish his new tractor but refused to read the manual to learn how to use it.

Instead he went out daily with his old mule and plow.

All the time complaining about how his Rich father couldn't understand the trouble he is going through.

When all fails







No greater aspiration
can one have
than to dye fighting,
with sword in hand
for the liberty of those he loves.

John 15:13







Life is the search for a treasure,

To be held for eternity
A treasure that multiplies,
Only in your willingness to
Give it away.

My great quest in life is
This mysterious treasure.

As I was moving through the
Sea of humanity,
I come up on great orators,
spouting dark secrets of their wisdom,
from a pulpit of ignorance.

You might say they are Beautiful Vessels,
appearing to hold vast treasures of cargo.

ALASS, -- upon closer inspection I find their holds,
filled with emptiness and perishables,
Nothing of substance! !

In my travels I came upon an old weathered ship,
moored close to a floundering vessel.
As I sailed closer to inspect,
I found this old weathered ship having no beauty,
was sharing of his life-giving treasure,
to help the floundering craft.

The moral of this story is:
the reason this ship stopped to help,
is because at one time it was floundering too.

At closer look, I found this craft was sharing the very TREASURE!,
that I was looking for all the time,

It was the treasure called:,







Do you think you can handle this one?


O how happy, is the man, who during the short instant of his life seeks to anticipate that divine vision, which he is so soon to possess by experience!
This is true wisdom,
not to wait for the end
until knowing that end,
but look to the end in the beginning of the course, and enter upon it, not with so many doubts whether we have attained the end, but with the security of attaining it.
Consider then,
with what disposition must be held,
who at the beginning of a race,
see a great prize, which they can attain,

(1 Corinthians 9:24)








An old man was complaining about how tardy his wife was.
He said:
If there was no such thing as time,
she would still be late.








The Ghost Ship.
I will never know,
and neither will you,
of the life we didn't choose.
We'll only know that whatever
that sister life was,
it was important and beautiful
but not for us.
It was that ghost ship
that didn't carry us through.
So there's nothing to do but salute it
from the shore.

Cheryl Strayed.

This is that dream
that you have brooded over never being able to let it go,
but as you mature,
you are finally able,
to release this dream ,or pacifier, and move on.

After all,
It was only a beautiful dream.


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